Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Keep Rollin', Rollin', Rollin', Rollin'

The spring cleaning fixed my problems with the filters clogging up.  However, I think because of all the extra dirt getting to the engine it clogged my fuel injectors as I was losing a lot of performance (I use that term loosely).  Around the first of June I took out all the injectors, cleaned them up and replaced the injector heat shields which were rather dirty.

Upon refitting the injectors and taking the first drive I immediately noticed an increase in performance (a strong headwind no longer slowed me down).  I'm still running a mix of veggie and motor oil but I've increased my veggie oil supply so I'm rolling mostly on it now.  I'm hoping to secure enough of a supply that I can someday own a 1/2 ton pickup with a full crew cab and not run out of oil.

More on that subject later.